As a tribute to America's best automobile, a collective of artists called Ant Farm decided to place 10 Cadillacs, ranging from a 1949 Club Coupe to a 1963 Sedan, in a wheat field located west of Amarillo, Texas. Mr. Stanley...
Via Oddity CentralI found this stinky art car Oddity Central that was labeled "dog" art car but the window says "Kicking up a Stink" therefore we have to assume it's a "skunk" art car. Anyways, this guy has done a nice job...
Via Oddity CentralDeveloped by Kyoto University Venture Business Laboratory the Bamboo Art Car named Bambgoo is a fully functional vehicle that runs for 50 kilometers on a single charge. This ecological concept car is 270...
The Question is what Would Vincent Drive? or WWVD?. The answer is the Vincent Van Gogh VW Art Car painted like his Starry Night. I think he would have definitely given his other ear for this sweet painted VW Car. The VW...
Photo by zephreneThe main messageHappy animals although I haven't had a monkey burger lately.Tasty vegan snacks nicely arranged on leather seatsThere is no better way to say "Go Vegan" than with a nicely painted stretch...
Atomic Ride Art CarThe Lumick Art CarI received these two amazing art cars from Mel who apparently has two more and a fifth on its way. The only way I can best describe both of his cars are "Back to the Future with Mad Max"....
There are so many darn Zebra art cars around that I had to post another round of them. I don't why the world has so many of these cars but there needs to be some research done into this phenomenon. Starting with this LImo...and...