SPAM ALERT to all my Feedburner Subscribers

I to all who subscribe to Art Car Central via feedburner, yoo got an email last night with my name on it which did not come from me. It was a request with an arabic return email address saying it was from feedburner via Art Car Central.the message was Hello there,You recently requested an email subscription to Art Car Central. We can'twait to send the updates you want via email, so please click the followinglink to activate your subscription immediately:DO NOT REPLY TO IT, i DID NOT SEND!!!!!!!Sorry for the weirdness and I do I appreciate you all...

Rudy: Cuban Gynecologist and American Used Car Salesman

Why is this so funny? I used to sell cars once upon a time and I heard a lot of stories about ways to sell cars. But this is by far the worst gimmick I have ever heard and hopefully Rudy the Cuban Gynecologist and American Used Car Salesman doesn't plan on doing both at the same time. Or maybe he plans on throwing in his services as an added feature to the 100k mile warranty.Wait I think I just spotted the spoof. This video was made by Rhett&Link and they also have a making of the making of this funny commercial they ma...

The Fahrvernpüssy Lounge by Tré Taylor

The Fahrvernpüssy Lounge VW Art Van is the creation of Tré Taylor who is also the amazing vocalist for The Dangerous Martini Quartet. Her VW Art Car is a 1973 type 2 camper van and has a 911 Porsche engine. The Interior,...

Star Wars Art Cars II - Revenge of the Art Trucks

I got an email the other day from Pete owner of GalacticBinder who sent me a link to some pretty amazing Star Wars Art Cars, Vans and Trucks. When I saw these I knew that without them ACC would not be complete so I had to...

First Ever Desert Jet Ski-Margaritaville Jet Ski

here is the skinny on this first ever Desert Jet Ski viaWhen the project started early November 2003 I knew exactly what I was after: “The Evolution of a Jet Ski”. I was in search of a watercraft to build my little bit...

Art Truck Bed By Patrick Amiot- A Great Place to Crash

via Armstrong Creates: blogI found this art truck bed yesterday photo taken by David Bacigalupi from Armstrong Associates and I had to post it on art car central. The funny thing is that hours later on my walk around...

The Von Tiki - Tiki Style Party Bar on wheels

I wrote about the von tiki party bar art car some time ago. Now I bring you the in depth video interview with the creator of this art car, Jake Goldste...

Sheep Covered in LEDs to Make Art - Art Sheep

SAMSUNG LED SHEEP @ Yahoo! VideoI know this is totally off the subject but these LED covered sheep used to make art is pretty darn funny and creative. Who kn...
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