Santa Car Mark III. Actually the full name is Lincoln Santa Is Coming To Towne Car and was created by Brian Taylor who also created the Metro Santa Car and Machete Betties Roller Derby Art Car. I just came across this video...
These art trucks were seen at the Finald Truck show recently which sorta reminds of the Japanese Decotora Trucks I wrote about some time ago. I love this first one, a Mercedes tanker truck covered with the face of Russel...

In my opinion there are much better ways to harvest worms and growing them on a car is not one of them. This is what happens when you leave your car unattended under a tree for some time. Worms, Worms and MORE Worms, maybe...

What got me started in the journey with my own art car the Mercedes Pens and now with Art Car Central was a book called "Art Cars: the cars, the artists, the obsession, the craft" by Harrod Blank.I walked into the library...

For those of us who plan their trips from coffee shop to coffee shop finally a better solution. A car that is powered entirely by roasted coffee grinds is now a reality, I can feel my hear raising as I write this.The car...
Lynda Farley is the creator of the Liberty van, and doing her part to creatively express her First Amendment Rights. Lynda believes in the rights of smokers to be able to smoke anywhere at anytime. She also believes that...

Icine Motor Kacmis @ Yahoo! VideoIn this a video a talented kid shows off his skills in replicating the sounds of a hot rod import, a two stroke mopped, dirt bike a VW bug that keeps stalling and ends it with the sound of...
inCARnation - Apocalypse Mobile/Time MachineinCARnation, the Apocalypse Mobile/Time Machine was sent in by Meg (Hint, the one with the pink hair). It was built over the course of a few years at her apartment in Minneapolis...

Scrapertown from California is a place. on Vimeo.I wrote about Tyrone Stevenson Scraper Bike Kind who was at Maker Faire last year. Today I found another inspirational video about scraper bikes, which talks about the philosophy...

Russian Bullet Flower Power BMW Art CarBWM Art Car Bullet Flowervia JalponikRussian Flower Power took on new meaning when a Russian artist commissioned some gun enthusiasts to take aim at a BMW 3-Series with riffles and...
Mondo Spider The Mondo Spider is a 1600 lb, 8 legged walking machine originally built by a Vancouver-based team of artists and engineers in 2006. Initially gas-powered, the spider has been converted to run entirely on...

The World's Slowest Porsche - Ferdinand GT3 R-SDo you drive fast and are Tired of Red Light Camera Tickets? Austrian artist Ferdinand Johannes has solved this problem by creating the most advanced Porsche ever, called...
viaKatherine Smith, of Jarrettsville, glued 8,000 colored ping pong balls on an old 1971 Volkswagen Beetle named "The Last Cup". Her art car features different scenes each section of smiley face hood peace sign on a even...

Bikes with shoes instead of tires is definitely a better alternative to using bike tires which need air and tend to go flat. All you need is a bunch of shoes and you are good to go, oh and a helmet would be good as well....
I have seen this solar chariot in many outfits during the past three years at Maker Fair first as George Bush the "American Gladiator", then Arnold Schwarzenegger as the "Solinator" and last year as Barack Obama as the...
The Fruit Mobile, originally uploaded by Boptimist.The Fruit Mobile a 1967 Ford station wagon has been around for many years and was created by artist Jackie Harris. The Fruit Mobile is also available for gigs through the...

Riot Wheel is a 1000lb monster motorized big wheel with the driver up front that took about 18 months to build. It was built for a trip to Burning Man and was an instant hit, and since then has been featured on Discovery...

Lots of (K)nots! - Knited Electric Scooter by Cory Nelson is the warmest, coziest most snugly electric scooter I have ever seen. It will in this years Houston Art Car parade and it will be entry #258, so be sure to wa...

This has got to be the fastest couch I have ever seen at 90mph down the race track on a rainy d...
Honda Accord 2010Honda Accord 2010 PhotosHonda Accord 2010 Type SHonda Accord 2...
Honda Civic 2010Honda Civic 2010 ImageHonda Civic 2010 WallpapersHonda Civic 2010 Inter...