I was minding my own business surfing the internet when I run into this busy Russian taking a bath on the way to work. Unfortunate he was late to work that day because the cop had zero sense of humor. Here is what I think the dialogue went like:

via Jalopnik
Cop: May I see you license and registration please.
via Jalopnik
Cop: May I see you license and registration please.
Driver: Sorry I left in my pants, hanging up at home.
Cop: Do you know how fast you were going?
Driver: about 7 m.p.h.
Cop: I had you doing 9m.p.h. in a 5m.p.h. bath zone.
Driver: I am sorry, my speedometer had soap on it.
Cop: And another thing, I saw you weaving a bit, have you had any thing to drink this morning?
Driver: I was scrubbing my back and dropped the soap in the tub.
Cop: OK I am going to let you off with a warning this time, make sure you scrub before you get on the road and keep both hands on the 10 and 2 position at all times.
Driver: Thank you, it wont happen again.