Low Altitude Hand held Synchronized Assault Aircraft or LAHSAA

These funny military vehicles are brought to you by the hard working folks in the US armed Forces. You go to work, the commute stinks, you work long hours and you have have morons taking pot sots at you all day long. Here is my best shot at naming these in a manner that any one in the military could understand, you deserve a break.
Coca-Cola Delivery Assault Vehicle or CCDAV

Santa's Helicopter Present Assault Vehicle or SHPAV

All Terrain Donkey Assault Vehicle or ATDAV

Low Altitude Motorcycle Assault Aircraft or LAMAA

These funny military vehicles are brought to you by the hard working folks in the US armed Forces. You go to work, the commute stinks, you work long hours and you have have morons taking pot sots at you all day long. Here is my best shot at naming these in a manner that any one in the military could understand, you deserve a break.
Coca-Cola Delivery Assault Vehicle or CCDAV

Santa's Helicopter Present Assault Vehicle or SHPAV

All Terrain Donkey Assault Vehicle or ATDAV

Low Altitude Motorcycle Assault Aircraft or LAMAA