With all this talk about Tiger Woods I though it would be appropriate to go out and find some Golf Ball Art Cars. Honestly I haven't even followed the news on the latest Tiger Woods Scandal and frankly I am bored already. But I am an opportunist and figured I get some hits by using Tiger Woods name over and over again so I decided to do a Golf Car vs Tiger Woods Career art car entry. All I found were three golf ball cars and golf ball car prank video that have nothing or maybe everything to do with Tiger Woods career. So what is it?
A-One giant golf ball crushed car
B-Tiger Wood's career getting crushed under the weight of his ego

A) Car destroyed by multiple golf balls at a golf range
B) Tiger Woods life takes a wrong turn?

A) Aerodynamic golf ball car
B) Tiger Wood flying through all this media attention unscathed?

A) Prank video of a car filled with golf balls
B) Tiger Wood's career falling apart?
A-One giant golf ball crushed car
B-Tiger Wood's career getting crushed under the weight of his ego
A) Car destroyed by multiple golf balls at a golf range
B) Tiger Woods life takes a wrong turn?

A) Aerodynamic golf ball car
B) Tiger Wood flying through all this media attention unscathed?

A) Prank video of a car filled with golf balls
B) Tiger Wood's career falling apart?